Ø 5.00 (1 vote)

Embroidery motif Kyokushinkai, Japanese characters

by Budoten

individual production - ready for dispatch within 1-2 weeks, quick service not available availability

product-id: 5910036
Budoten-ranking: 4594

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only € 10.49

excl. VAT + shipping
price trend
last price change
309 days ago: 15.06.23
price increase shall be expected.
If you should find this item after your purchase somewhere else at a lower price, we will honor the lower price. Click here for more information ...
Short Description

Belt embroidery / suit embroidery in 10 different Kanji fonts. Colors of embroidery are also freely selectable. Width about 3.0 cm per characters. For belt embroidery we adjust the size visually, so this is not too intrusive.
weight: approx. 0 kg

Detail Description

Budoten offers not only the usual embroidery in one font style - no, you can choose from up to 10 Japanese font-styles, including Kaisho, Gyosho and Kanteiryu, choose! The embroidery fonts, see the Code 5910174 in our shop. Would you like to have a larger embroidery, so we refer to the Code 5910083 in our shop. This embroidery is also well suited to a different textiles to embellish. Jackets, T-shirts are equally suitable as basecaps and a bath towel or towel.


shipping costs: from 31.10 € (standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg)
Nothing special.
Shipping costs will be calculated in the shopping basket on base of the shown product-weight. overview shipping costs

individual production - ready for dispatch within 1-2 weeks, quick service not available Quick service not available. This item will be dispatched separately.

On shipment of the goods we will send you an email with the tracking code, so that you may always stay informed via the internet upon the location of the parcel.
In case of unexpected delays in delivery we will notify you immediately upon receipt by email and inform you about the expected delivery time.

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  • Price Trend since 18.04.08

10.49 €

9.28 €

9.61 €

14.47 €

8.73 €

8.23 €

15.06.23 22.04.22 24.07.20 10.07.20 12.02.18 18.04.08

current price: 10.49 €

lowest price: 8.23 €

highest price: 14.47 €

last change of price 309 days ago
Price increase to be expected shortly.

  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1268303776
    publishedby Peter Eigenmann

    Plazierung über dem Label
    Die Bestickung ist sehr gut ausgeführt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Bei Platzierung über dem Label bitte beachten, dass die Bestickung dann sehr weit nach oben kommt. Besser dann das Label gleich entfernen oder die Bestickung am anderen Gürtelende anbringen lassen. read more ...

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